
International Seminar Advance in Science and Technology (ISAST)

Manuscript Preparation

Before all of you submit the manuscript, please follow the guidelines when preparing your paper:

  1. The paper includes the author’s name and affiliation (full address including country).
  2. Authors/Co-Authors may submit no more than two papers.
  3. There are no page numbers, or headers and footers, within the paper.
  4. The File is free of formatting errors (e.g. corrupt equations, missing or low-resolution figures).
  5. All pages are portrait (landscape pages should be rotated).
  6. Reference lists are checked for accuracy. References can only be linked via Crossref if they are correct and complete.
  7. Figures are placed within the text, not collected at the end of the document.
  8. A thorough proofread is conducted to check the standard of English and ensure wording is clear and concise.

Review Process

The articles submitted to ISAST will be processed through a formatting review by the editor and a substantial review by reviewer. The reviewing process is conducted by a single-blind review. The reviewers are chosen by an editor based on their expertise. The decision regarding article publication is based on the review result.

Authors must submit their papers through the system. Please note that we don’t accept submissions by email.

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International Seminar Advance in Science and Technology (ISAST)

Commision 3, Board of Professors, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Copyright © 2024 ISAST